Monday, July 18, 2011

Because We Can...

Great toothed whales slowly starve to death, their guts blocked by plastic garbage they have swallowed in seas awash with man's refuse...

Pilot whales strand themselves on lonely beaches, there to die agonizing deaths, their brains fried by Navy sonar...

Killer whales inexorably go insane trapped in confined concrete tanks that are proportionately the same size as prison cells on man's death row...

Baleen whales are slaughtered on the high seas then butchered on blood-covered decks of Japanese, Norwegian, and Icelandic whaling ships...

Adult dolphins are disemboweled alive by uncaring men in a cove in Taiji, Japan, and in the seas surrounding the Faroe Islands...

Baby dolphins die in record numbers in the oil-polluted waters of the Gulf of Mexico...

And on, and on, and on...

Why? Why do we humans do this to the only other creatures that possess a level of intelligence and sentience closely approaching ours?

Because we can, and for that reason this is a sadder planet and we are a lesser people.

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